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Greetings to you wherever you be, I am



​Music Artist + Technologist + Choreographer + Ävatar of Earth


I light, I write, I sing, I cry, I lead, I learn, I discover, I channel, I intuit, I plant, I walk, I rest, I listen, I shape, I dance, I encode, I thank, I laugh, I change, I greet..  

On October 31st, 2020, in New York City, I fully accepted my role as Ävatar of Earth. 

My work is and will be for the

upliftment of humanity and Earth. 

Everything in this website* was written, designed, sang, choreographed, designed, edited, co-produced and directed by ​Daví is the online home of all of Daví's public digital content.

Do not stream, reproduce or copy without direct expressed permission from Daví.

Now, remove all of the "I"s from the second paragraph and it's a little poem for you.

*: Unless otherwise noted and, yes.. everything, including the website itself.


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