The Daví Manifesto
In this first volume, you join me inside of my philosophically wonderful, painful, beautiful, loud and silent journey to in-light-en / to discern truth / my journey becoming Ävatar of Earth. This volume is just over 460 pages with plenty of space to write your own notes. It's less about narrative and more about on creating new mental rhythms for health and optimization. The goal is your intellectual expansion and the informing of your self-activation for infinite growth. This is the first of 6 written volumes and counting;
my seed to the world.
As of December 25th, 2020 - The Day of the Seed
The Daví Manifesto – Volume 1 is released free for all humans!
Click the book to download the free PDF version.
To purchase the signed Special Edition for First Crusaders visit the Bookstore.
Day of the Seed
December 25th // Mesore 25th
What is your seed to the world? What is your seed to each of the important humans in your life? Is it a book? Is it a drawing? Is it a creation? Is it a truth?